Book Cover - The Year of the Runaways

I have been in the business of selling my images for many years but I am still often surprised to see how the images I create get used by clients and become something different. This case might be the most intriguing for me so far, as the end result has nothing to do with the original. At the beginning of 2017 Millennium Images, representing a collection of my images sold a picture I shot while traveling through Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh in India. The image was used to illustrate a book cover by Sunjeev Sahota titled “The Year of the Runaways” released by Penguin Random House. As you can see the creator of the book cover saw something completely different to what I focused on while capturing the image. In many ways this is what I love about photography, the ability to have multiple points of focus or narrative based on the personal experience and background of the viewer…

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